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Category: Human Resources

Step by step to create the payroll of your employees

Step by step to create the payroll of your employees

To create a company it is necessary that you not only study the market and develop a proposal of services or products, but also that you give relevance to your potential workers. Therefore, in this article we take the time to explain how to create the payroll of your employees properly. Do you want to know more about it? Continue reading!

Burnout syndrome: how to identify and avoid it

Burnout syndrome: how to identify and avoid it

Have you ever felt overwhelmed day after day at work? Did you know that there is something called Burnout syndrome and it is related to this situation? Work balance is not a game! Therefore, in this article we explain what Burnout is and how you can learn to avoid it.

New labor reform in Spain 2021-2022

New labor reform in Spain 2021-2022

Do you work in the business world in Spain? If you are an entrepreneur or an employee in a company, it is important that you know about the new Spanish labor reform 2021-2022, a regulation that seeks to improve labor relations in the country. Do you know what we are talking about? Then, in this article we will give you the details you need.

Recruitment: 3 ways to find the right one

Recruitment: 3 ways to find the right one

Recruitment: 3 ways to find the right one

The recruitment process is an essential part of a company’s success. That is why the Human Resources Department or the company’s Board of Directors must have a critical eye to select the human capital that will allow them to create a competitive and efficient organization. But, how to find the right people?

In this article you will find relevant information about the steps to follow to recruit your ideal team, as well as several websites that you can use to support you in doing so. Are you ready to learn about them? Read on.

How To: Business Model Canvas

How To: Business Model Canvas

business model canvasWhat is a Business Model Canvas?

Unlike an ordinary business plan, a business model canvas allows you to generate a quick overview of your decision to start up your own company. On a basic level, this model really helps you to clearly understand and organise the different stages of your company formation project in order to generate the most value possible.

Not only will you be able to understand both your project and its surrounding issues more quickly and in a more efficient manner. But in addition to this, you will find it much easier to communicate your project and ideas to potential investors, partners and clients.

However, this “canvas” model is not a simple, lifeless document. It’s format is one that really develops and grows alongside your business. It will continue to aid you as an entrepreneur throughout the life of your company.

How Should You Organise a Business Model Canvas?

The model is structured around 9 logical steps: these allow us to clearly see how the company’s value is both produced and then distributed.

Value Proposition (la imagen tiene un error. “which customer needs are we satisfying?”)


This step is essential to a business model canvas since it allows you to provide a clear and precise description of your company for the client. This should, in term, determine the value produced by the company. This value depends on various things such as design, quality, performance, innovation, price, etc.

The challenge here is to find a balance between these factors in order to generate the best value proposition possible.

Client Sector


This step aims to find which client sector is the most important for the company.

Channels (How are our channels integrated?)


This step could also be labelled as the “distribution network”. It is an essential stage in linking your value proposition with your client sector. Due to this, the most important thing to know here is how to meet these distributive channel expectations: which is the most effective, how to reach the client, etc.

Remember to have enough perspective to measure the efficiency of your chosen channels and to adapt them along the way to work to their best capacity.

Customer relationships (La imagentiene un error. “How costly are they?” “Do segments expect us to establish and maintain them?”)


The relationship that you choose to maintain with your clients can act as a real advantage when compared to your competition. The important thing to remmeber here is to integrate this into your business plan and to calculate the financial input to carry it out.

Key Activities


This stage will allow you to determine exactly what type of business activity your business must engage in to match your previously stated value proposition.

Key Partners


Similar to your customer relationships, you will need to decide what type of relationsip you would like to have with your partners: how to choose them, how to get to know them, their resources, how they work, etc.

Key Resources


This step is to determine exactly what the company needs in order to carry out its business properly.

Structural Costs


This stage is to determine what the biggest cost in the company will be: which resource and which stage of business will be the most expensive.

Revenue Streams


Similar to structural costs, revenue streams will inform you of how much each client is willing to pay, for which value proposition they are paying, how they would prefer to pay and which revenue streams will contribute to the overall income.

Corporate Culture: How Important Is It and How To Achieve It

Corporate Culture: How Important Is It and How To Achieve It

corporate cultureBusiness & Management guru –  Peter Drucker – famously said “culture eats strategy for breakfast” . This quote demonstrates the real importance of implementing a strong corporate culture . This is especially true nowadays since often companies can no longer solely rely on salary as a way to recruit the best employees. So, how should you decide on a corporate culture that will bring about significant growth for your business?

Managing Diversity : Interculturality in the Workplace

Managing Diversity : Interculturality in the Workplace

When you choose to set up a business abroad, many criteria must be taken into account since each country operates differently in terms of taxation, accounting, management, etc. But what about the multicultural aspect?

Reduced Social Security contributions for permanent contracts in Spain!

Reduced Social Security contributions for permanent contracts in Spain!

Lo-que-no-nos-dicen-de-la-Tarifa-plana-Real-Decreto-ley-3-2014-de-28-de-febrero-IIA new reform, based on the Royal Decree – Law 3/2014, published on March 1st, came into force in order to stimulate economic growth and help create stable jobs to reduce unemployment in Spain.

The Spanish government announced a reduction of 100 euros a month in social contributions for the first two years for companies that recruit new employees regardless of their age on permanent contracts.

Spain, among business and pleasure

Enjoying a paella with your business colleagues, having a walk on the seaside or working in high-quality premises: make the most of your business life in Spain !

Feel free to share your Spanish business experiences with us !


NIE: Spanish Foreigner Number of Identification

nie-spain-identification-numberAn NIE Number (Número de Identificación de Extranjero) is a tax identification number to be used in Spain.

Both EU citizens and non-EU citizens get issued an NIE. It consists of an ‘X’ or ‘Y’ followed by 7 or 8 digits then another letter.

The NIE is not a fiscal residency identification; you can have a NIE and be fiscal resident in another country.

The NIE number is needed in order to file taxes, buy property, set up a business, open a bank account, and for almost all other forms you fill out. When forming a company, everyone who will be directors and shareholders of the company will need a NIE. This is the first step in forming a company or in buying a shelf company.