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User Experience (UX): What is it, and why is it essential to improve your brand?

User Experience (UX): What is it, and why is it essential to improve your brand?

Digital transformation is no longer a dream but a necessity. Concepts such as user experience are necessary for your business to move forward and adapt to today’s business trends. Learn more about it here.

Real estate market in Spain: 10 must-knows in Spain

Real estate market in Spain: 10 must-knows in Spain

The health crisis unleashed by COVID-19 not only altered our lifestyle, it also wreaked havoc on the Spanish real estate market which, just after reaching its maturity, faced a sharp drop in 2020.

However, in line with epidemiological advances, needs arising after confinement and the increase in teleworking, recovery is imminent. Therefore, we show you what are the important points to remember regarding the real estate market in Spain.

The 17 UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) | Agenda 2030

The 17 UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) | Agenda 2030

A formula for environmental stewardship and prosperity

Today, 5 June, we celebrate World Environment Day and we take a small moment to remember the need in the world to pay more attention to caring for our ecosystems and fostering respect for nature.

Artificial intelligence, closer than you think.

Artificial intelligence, closer than you think.

Most people have an abstract concept of artificial intelligence. When we hear the phrase “artificial intelligence” our minds automatically go to movies like Star Wars, Wall-e, The Matrix or Robocop; but the truth is that right now, whichever device you’re reading this on (smartphone, tablet, laptop, pc) is full of AI.

The 5 most profitable industries in Spain [2021]

The 5 most profitable industries in Spain [2021]

Les 5 industries les plus rentables en Espagne [2021].

Spain is one of the countries with the greatest opportunities to establish a successful business. So, take paper and pencil and we will tell you which are the main industries in which you should invest in Spain in 2021.

How to: Register A Car in Spain

How to: Register A Car in Spain

registering a car in spainIf you want to come and live in or start up your own company in Spain and you want to bring your own car, it is vital that you register your car or vehicle in the country too. It’s worth noting that the process can be relatively heavy and cumbersome but it really is essential that you do so.

What You Need In Order To Buy a Property in Spain

What You Need In Order To Buy a Property in Spain

buying property in spainBuying a property in Spain is never an easy decision to make, especially since it is a foreign country whose language, customs and culture are unknown to the majority of foreign buyers. Due to this, we decided to write an article that can act as a guide for you through the process of buying a property in Spain. If you would like to learn more about the required documents and what to do when purchasing property you’ve come to the right article.

A Guide to Alternative Finance - A New Form of Business Funding

A Guide to Alternative Finance – A New Form of Business Funding

alternative financeChanging Your Perspective

Albert Einstein once said “In moments of crisis, only the imagination is more important than knowledge”. Generally, crises are almost always viewed as something negative or an event that we should always try to avoid. However, it is so important that we also look at the positive side of incidents as such. Alternative finance is an innovative way of increasing investment by turning the seemingly negative into something positive

How To: Business Model Canvas

How To: Business Model Canvas

business model canvasWhat is a Business Model Canvas?

Unlike an ordinary business plan, a business model canvas allows you to generate a quick overview of your decision to start up your own company. On a basic level, this model really helps you to clearly understand and organise the different stages of your company formation project in order to generate the most value possible.

Not only will you be able to understand both your project and its surrounding issues more quickly and in a more efficient manner. But in addition to this, you will find it much easier to communicate your project and ideas to potential investors, partners and clients.

However, this “canvas” model is not a simple, lifeless document. It’s format is one that really develops and grows alongside your business. It will continue to aid you as an entrepreneur throughout the life of your company.

How Should You Organise a Business Model Canvas?

The model is structured around 9 logical steps: these allow us to clearly see how the company’s value is both produced and then distributed.

Value Proposition (la imagen tiene un error. “which customer needs are we satisfying?”)


This step is essential to a business model canvas since it allows you to provide a clear and precise description of your company for the client. This should, in term, determine the value produced by the company. This value depends on various things such as design, quality, performance, innovation, price, etc.

The challenge here is to find a balance between these factors in order to generate the best value proposition possible.

Client Sector


This step aims to find which client sector is the most important for the company.

Channels (How are our channels integrated?)


This step could also be labelled as the “distribution network”. It is an essential stage in linking your value proposition with your client sector. Due to this, the most important thing to know here is how to meet these distributive channel expectations: which is the most effective, how to reach the client, etc.

Remember to have enough perspective to measure the efficiency of your chosen channels and to adapt them along the way to work to their best capacity.

Customer relationships (La imagentiene un error. “How costly are they?” “Do segments expect us to establish and maintain them?”)


The relationship that you choose to maintain with your clients can act as a real advantage when compared to your competition. The important thing to remmeber here is to integrate this into your business plan and to calculate the financial input to carry it out.

Key Activities


This stage will allow you to determine exactly what type of business activity your business must engage in to match your previously stated value proposition.

Key Partners


Similar to your customer relationships, you will need to decide what type of relationsip you would like to have with your partners: how to choose them, how to get to know them, their resources, how they work, etc.

Key Resources


This step is to determine exactly what the company needs in order to carry out its business properly.

Structural Costs


This stage is to determine what the biggest cost in the company will be: which resource and which stage of business will be the most expensive.

Revenue Streams


Similar to structural costs, revenue streams will inform you of how much each client is willing to pay, for which value proposition they are paying, how they would prefer to pay and which revenue streams will contribute to the overall income.

NIE Number in Spain: What, Why and How

NIE Number in Spain: What, Why and How

NIE numberWhat is an NIE number in Spain? What do you need it for? Who needs one? Do you even need one at all? What conditions need to be met to get one? Where can you get one? We answer all of your NIE number queries here.