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Residence permits in Spain

Residence permits in Spain

The possibilities of a foreigner wishing to reside in Spain are open to those who can demonstrate a sufficient reason. All citizens who are foreigners and who wish to reside in Spanish territory must have been previously authorized to do so. Once they have the authorization, they must proceed to obtain the corresponding visas that will allow them to enter Spain.

People who obtain residence in Spain may be granted temporary or permanent residence. The temporary type is the one that is in charge of authorizing to remain in the Spanish territory for a period of more than 90 days and less than five years. While, those that are of authorizations of less than five years may be renewed periodically at the request of the interested parties.  Do you want to know more about residence permits in Spain? Keep reading!


Entrepreneurship: The Traits of an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship: The Traits of an Entrepreneur

We live in an era where thanks to the massiveness of communications, the advancement of technology and the vast possibility we have to carry out innovative ideas to market them and make a living from them, a whole generation is increasingly interested in entering the business world. But, regardless of the activity, the most important thing when considering being an entrepreneur is to be able to manage that great project effectively. So, do you think you’re cut out for entrepreneurship? Let’s delve into the most relevant traits of an entrepreneur in this post.

Cybersecurity: The Basics

Cybersecurity: The Basics

Are you prepared to navigate the endless digital waters of the Internet world? Is your ship protected against the threats you may encounter along the way? Pirates, hackers, bugs, identity issues; these are just some of the waves you need to be prepared to face on your digital journey. And to make it easier, cybersecurity has come to the rescue. Here are the basics to help you understand what it’s all about and its importance.

The life cycle of companies

The life cycle of companies

All companies go through different processes and different circumstances during their life, however, there is something they all have in common, and that is their life cycle. Just as all people have stages throughout their lives, companies also have their own life cycle. But what are these stages? Well, a company generally goes through these 6 stages: Birth, Growth, Maturity, Decline, Liquidation and Rebirth. Below we will explain in more depth what each stage is based on.


Intellectual property rights in Europe

Intellectual property rights in Europe

Intellectual property is a very important matter, especially when we talk about creation and innovation. This type of property refers to the results or creations from the human mind, such as artwork, inventions, literary works, designs, etc.

Basic guide to Real Estate Tax in Spain (IBI)

Basic guide to Real Estate Tax in Spain (IBI)

If you are the owner of any premises, surface or usufruct, or you wish to become the owner of any of them, you should know that there are different types of taxes that you will have to pay to the city council where you are. Among these taxes is the Real Estate Tax (IBI), which we will talk about and explain in more detail in this article.


The most effective internationalization strategies for companies

The most effective internationalization strategies for companies

In a world that is moving faster and faster thanks to global digitalisation, companies have an easier internationalisation process and can benefit from it economically.

Today there are different types of strategies that can be applied to reach an optimal internationalization, for this reason, below we will explain more in depth the most used strategies that work best for companies.

Barcelona, the sixth city in the world in quality of life

Barcelona, the sixth city in the world in quality of life

Barcelona is indeed “the” city to live in. Whether students, young people who work here or families, everyone finds this city a pleasure to live, work, meet people, make friends and have fun.

What are the types of employment contracts that exist in Spain?

What are the types of employment contracts that exist in Spain?

In Spain, knowing all the types of employment contracts can be a bit complex, because there are more than 40, however, all these types of contracts are grouped into 4 models defined by the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy. Below we will explain in more depth what they are and how to distinguish the types of employment contracts in Spain.

Empadronamiento: Registering in Spain

Empadronamiento: Registering in Spain

Empadronarse in Spain has proven to be a very useful procedure with time. It might help you with a lot of things in the country. But, first of all, what is “empadronarse”? Find out below.