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Negotiation techniques for freelancers and entrepreneurs

Much of the success of people in the business world, is to learn negotiation techniques for both freelancers and entrepreneurs. In case you are looking to sell your products, services or simply your ideas to the public. Whatever the business sector, it will be good for them to keep reading about effective negotiation techniques.

Most negotiations are characterized by a delicate balance between give and take. Entrepreneurs who want to make a successful business must learn to strike that balance. However, it takes a lot of practice and a lot of patience to achieve a winning strategy. Moreover, negotiations are unique and require a different approach, so there is no prospect that works all the time.

What are the negotiation techniques for successful freelancers?

Here are some negotiation techniques to be a good freelancer:

It is necessary to be informed about everything

It is considered the number one rule before sitting at the negotiating table, so you should collect as much information as possible about the partner, as well as the business of buyers. All the data that can be obtained will be of great help to better outline the proposals, in order to know your own and the other party’s weaknesses and strengths.

Taking care of the details

Improvisations should be avoided when starting negotiations. Start the processes without having worked and organized all the information you have, without having specified the point you want to achieve. It will only serve to generate a bad impression and move away from their objectives; so it is important to be organized and emphasize what makes them stronger. So, they must take care of the details, as leaders do to ensure their success.

Negotiating with the right people

One of the most effective negotiation techniques for entrepreneurs to become successful salespeople is to make sure they are negotiating with the right people. That is, with people who have the ability to decide; so, if they meet with middle managers or people who can not make decisions, they will be wasting their time.

Avoiding silences

One of the things that characterizes freelancers and entrepreneurs is their ability to dialogue. Therefore, they should avoid remaining silent; for them they should start a conversation at the beginning of the presentations and introduce some personal or informal information to break the ice. Although it may sound a bit cliché, try to avoid conflicting current topics or topics that may intimidate the other party. The idea is to build trust and confidence that will pave the way for the process you are about to start.

Spread your enthusiasm

In order not to bore people, it is important that you make a difference. You should avoid long and tedious presentations, you should try to speak in a plain and accessible way so that the interlocutors understand you and do not lose the thread. Once you have captured their attention, you can try to use some effective negotiation techniques that include animations. So that they can generate dialogue, in order to avoid monotony and arouse interest.

Encouraging dialogue

You should not monopolize the entire intervention, as it is important to radiate an open and dialoguing attitude that can generate participation and a positive feeling of confidence in the other party. Some studies have shown that salespeople are more likely to close a deal successfully without having to talk a lot during the negotiation.

Shows flexibility

Good negotiators must be willing to compromise on certain aspects if they want to close a valuable deal. The key to being a good freelancer or entrepreneur is to demonstrate flexibility and know how to play with the range of possibilities that dialogue in a cooperative environment offers. So, it is beneficial for both parties; it is important to remember that establishing long-term relationships is impossible to maintain if you do not know how to be tolerant.

Demand commitment

If negotiations are coming to an end, it is very important that the visits end with some kind of written commitment. Either by signing a contract or, some document that accredits the points on which agreement has been reached. In this way the sellers will be able to press after the time with greater guarantee; in this way both parts have clear the agreed topics.


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Negotiation techniques used by successful entrepreneurs

Deep down many people are ambitious, so they all want to get better results. Whenever a deal is being negotiated, many people think of their personal benefits. But to become a good and successful negotiator, you must learn to put yourself on the other side.  Because if you look out for yourself and your own interests, you will have lost the deal before you even start negotiating.

So, we explain these extremely important skills that all entrepreneurs must learn to master the art of negotiation.

You have to be prepared

Every successful negotiation builds on the groundwork. This means that you should know about the people involved, find out who they are and where their businesses are. They may even have talked to people who have worked in those companies, so they can tell you about their strengths and weaknesses.

The same would be true if they were on the other side of the table and were considering the possibilities of investing in a product or service. They must have a clear understanding of the pros and cons of what they are selling. The important thing is that you have to know your enemy well, and know who you are dealing with and what they can offer. So, it is important to start the negotiation with your best foot forward.

The details of the initial offer should be considered

Initial offers are often the anchor of negotiations, they are also often those places where the details are exposed. So, it should be important to make it clear and well thought out. The basic elements of offers include pricing, budget work, the products or services included, and delivery times. Even if there are incentives for good results, guarantees, terms and conditions. It is obvious that pricing is one of the key components in any deal, but you should take into account the other details as they can make a significant contribution over time.

If you are one of the people who are making the initial offers, that is the time to put things on the table for the rest of the negotiations down the road. You won’t get something you don’t ask for, so be bold and objective. If you are on the other side of the table, the opening offers are the key to seeing how close you are to each other.

Leave ego and emotions at the door

It is obvious that you should feel confident and self-assured because you have done your research on the situation, but you should still leave your ego at the door before you go in to negotiate. Let emotions remain as neutral as possible; leaving ego behind will give you the freedom you need to think straight as negotiations get intense. That way you will be able to negotiate from a flexible point of view because, if you want to get what you want, you need to be able to think very clearly in stressful situations and be willing to compromise.

Because if they go into meetings with a conciliatory attitude, they will have a better chance of achieving that balance between what they offer and what they receive.

Play instead of being played with

If you are starting out in some negotiations where you stand to win or lose a lot, you might want to do some scenario exercises with a few friends or colleagues.  This will be very helpful in reducing stress and helping you to think of ways to refute objections that had not occurred to you before. Even to think in alternative ways that you hadn’t considered, where you can go over the different scenarios, even if only in your mind.

Clearly see your strengths and weaknesses

Self-awareness is the main key when starting negotiations, because you are simply looking for other people’s strengths and weaknesses. It is not to be so cruel, but to help you determine your next moves. At the same time you must be very aware of your strengths and weaknesses so that the other person involved in the negotiation does not exploit them. So, it is recommended that they take an honest inventory of their strengths and where they are vulnerable.

If your companies are small, what are the growth potentials? Can they respond better to market needs than larger companies? In short, what can they offer that others don’t, and what can they offer that you can’t compete against? Knowing where we are on the negotiating table will help us determine what the ideal deals will be.


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How can we improve our negotiation?

Negotiation is characterised as a competence, i.e. it is an observable behaviour, which is used in everyday life. Negotiating refers to reaching an agreement from different points of view, objectives and positions. When we proceed to negotiate we try to discover common points and through them establish new lines of action, different from the two initial ones.

Knowing how to negotiate refers to the fact that a previous work has been done and, put all the senses in getting that new way of action between the parties involved.  To improve your negotiation techniques you just have to make a correct preparation, establish a plan B or, a better alternative in case the main strategy cannot be achieved, separate the people from the problems. In addition, getting an effective conversation is important to improve or have a good negotiation.


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Now that you already have knowledge about negotiation techniques for freelancers and entrepreneurs, you should take them into account when starting a negotiation. But, if you do not know how to start a business, in Tas Consulting, we have the best experts who are willing to work hand in hand with you. In order to achieve your goals. Contact our experts through our website and they will answer all your questions.


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