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How to apply for a residence visa in Spain for digital nomads?

digital nomads

If you are passionate about remote work and dream of establishing your home in Spain while living as a digital nomad, you’ve come to the right place. Discover the steps all digital nomads must take to live and work in Spain, read on and start your journey to a new life!

What is the visa for international digital nomads or teleworkers?

You are not from the European Union and you want to work from home for companies that are not in Spain? You can apply for a special residency to work remotely abroad. Digital nomads basically work using computers and technology to communicate.

One of the main advantages of this residence lies in the versatility of options it offers:

  • On the one hand, it offers the possibility to apply for it directly from Spain by means of a tourist visa. This allows you to immediately obtain the 3-year card.
  • On the other hand, it also gives you the option to obtain a 1-year visa from the consulate of your country of origin. Therefore, you can enter Spain and then process the modification to this 3-year card.
  • The years of possession of this 3-year card (and its subsequent renewals) are added both for obtaining Spanish nationality and for achieving permanent residence. This can be achieved after 5 years working remotely in Spain as a digital nomad.
  • But that’s not all, since being framed in the Entrepreneurs Law, it also has one more benefit. You can get a quick resolution process in just 20 days. In addition, they apply a principle of positive administrative silence. That is, if you do not receive a response within this period, the resolution is considered approved.
  • Additionally, this residence card as a digital nomad allows freedom of movement throughout the European Union.

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Who are considered digital nomads to receive the visa?

As mentioned above, this visa is intended for non-European Union citizens. Well, European citizens can work remotely in the country for up to 6 months. Even if they wish to extend their stay, they simply need to obtain their NIE as a resident. As a foreigner, you only need to demonstrate the following to be eligible to apply for this residency visa:

digital nomads

Option for Family Members of Teleworkers of International Character

As with other approvals regulated by the Entrepreneurs Law, family members also have the possibility to obtain both a visa and an authorization to stay in the country.

What family members of a digital nomad can be included?

  • Spouse.
  • Person with a similar affective relationship.
  • Minor or adult children who, being economically dependent on the holder, have not constituted a family unit by themselves.
  • Dependent ascendants.

These family members accompanying the foreigners who wish to telework in Spain may apply for the authorization. Either jointly or successively. 

Types of permits and duration

As mentioned above, there are several periods of visa duration for digital nomads. In addition, the types of permits are divided into:  

1. Visa

For those applicants who are outside Spain, they will be granted a permit to reside and work throughout the national territory. This will be for a duration of 1 year, unless the period of work is less. In that case, the duration of the visa will be adjusted accordingly.

2. Residence permit

If the digital nomad is already legally in Spain, it is faster. He/she will be granted a 3-year permit to reside and work throughout the national territory, if desired.

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Requirements to obtain residency as a digital nomad

Before detailing each of them, it is essential to keep in mind that there are two different profiles of foreigners who can obtain this permit. As mentioned at the beginning, each of these profiles has slightly different requirements:

1. Employed workers whose companies allow them to travel and work remotely from another country. In this case, Spain.

Are you interested in applying for this permit to work remotely in Spain as a digital nomad? You must comply with the following:

digital nomads

You have two options to demonstrate that you have sufficient experience and training to complete the application: 

  • Demonstrate 3 years of job-related experience prior to application. 
  • Be a graduate or postgraduate from universities, vocational training and business schools of recognized prestige.

What is the process?

  • Provide a criminal record certificate with a minimum validity of 90 days, legalized and apostilled.
  • Complete the corresponding application form.
  • You must pay the corresponding fee. That is, the 790 038.
  • Purchase a private health plan that offers complete coverage throughout Spain.

2. Self-employed workers with several clients distributed all over the world or sources of income from online activities. But, outside Spain.

There is a difference depending on this modality (still considered digital nomad): 

  • Do you have a contract with a foreign company (for hire or reward)? It is essential that the company has been operating for at least 1 year prior to your application. In addition, the company must confirm that teleworking is allowed for your position and authorize you to telework.
  • If you are self-employed, you must be working for at least one company (which must be outside Spain). The conditions of your contract must specify the possibility of telecommuting.

Where to apply for residency?

To start the residency application process for digital nomads in Spain, it is crucial to know where to submit your application. Here are the key places where you can start this process:


Diplomatic Missions and Consular Posts, including Embassies and Consulates.

Residence permit

You should contact the Large Companies and Strategic Groups Unit (UGE-CE).

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Taking the plunge and becoming part of the group of digital nomads in Spain is an exciting journey full of opportunities. From the requirements to the places to apply, now you have the keys to start this experience.

If you want personalized advice and the best recommendations to speed up this process, do not hesitate to contact us at We are here to help you achieve the dream of any digital nomad, contact us now!

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