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10 steps to make a marketing plan and get results

10 steps to make a marketing plan and get results

Today, no matter the size of any company or business, whether it is large, small or medium, everyone needs a marketing plan. This is the only way to avoid taking meaningless steps and to establish clear objectives. So, there is no doubt about the importance of a company’s marketing plan for its success. Do you want to know more? Then you are in the right place, because we will tell you the 10 steps to create your own marketing plan, join us!

Migration in Spain: New Reform of the Immigration Law approved in Spain

Migration in Spain: New Reform of the Immigration Law approved in Spain

We bring you good news! No matter if you are in Spain or plan to do it in the future, the new reform in the regulation of the Law of Foreigners in Spain is able to benefit you if you are a foreigner and want to have a legal job and your residence permit in the country. Do you want to find out everything that this new reform means for migration in Spain? Join us and find out!

foreigners Law

Reform of the foreigners Law: new developments 2022

foreigners Law

On August 15, a new reform of the Foreigners Law came into force in Spain. Have you heard what it consists of? Do you know what the benefits are for immigrants? Stay with us in this article and find out below!

Non-profit residency: application requirements

Non-profit residency: application requirements

Spain is recognized as one of the most attractive European destinations for tourists and immigrants. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live in this country? Today we tell you about an option that will allow you to stay legally for a whole year in the Spanish territory: the non-profit residency. Read on and find out how you can apply!

Intra-Community transactions: all about trading in the EU

Intra-Community transactions: all about trading in the EU

An increasing number of SMEs are deciding to take the path of internationalization, although most consider it more difficult than it was three years ago. However, even when they consider it difficult, they recognize their ability to boost their business growth to other EU countries, streamlining intra-EU operations. Want to know how to trade in the EU and succeed? Here we tell you all about it!

Degrees VS professional skills: impact on the future

Degrees VS professional skills: impact on the future

Traditionally, to start in the working world, people focus on finishing a university degree and putting together their best resume to impress companies. But, have you ever wondered what will be more relevant in the future? Should you pay attention to degrees or professional skills? In this article we help you to solve those doubts!

Spain: the technological hub of Southern Europe

Spain: the technological hub of Southern Europe

If you are thinking of investing in a new business or you already have your own company and would like to expand, Spain is the ideal place to carry out your project. Did you know that the country is considered a technological hub in southern Europe? In this article we tell you more about it.

The value of a company: factors affecting its valuation

The value of a company: factors affecting its valuation

Knowing the value of a company is of great importance for various situations, such as selling it, merging it or even facing the market in which you operate to know the role your company plays and understand your competition. Although calculating the value of your company can be a complex task, it is not impossible. Find out here how to calculate the value of a company and what are the valuation criteria you should follow, let’s get to it!

Etias Visa, the new permit to travel to Europe as of 2023

Etias Visa, the new permit to travel to Europe as of 2023

Finally, it has arrived: the ETIAS is a reality after being announced by the European Parliament in 2018. From 2023, fee-free travel to the European Union will be over because of the visa waiver system that will come into effect. Want to know more about the ETIAS visa and whether it affects you? Stay with us and find out, because we’ll tell you all about it!

Digitization as a method of business profitability

Digitization as a method of business profitability

Adapting your business to new technologies is an essential step to boost performance within your company. Therefore, in this article, we tell you about digitization as a method of business profitability. Do you know how it can benefit you today? Read on to find out!