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What is it and how to apply for your legal entity digital certificate?

Legal entity digital certificate

The digital certificate has become, in recent years, a basic tool to perform various procedures and formalities. Therefore, if you are the legal representative of a company, you should apply for your digital certificate as a legal entity. Here we will solve any doubts you may have about it and what is the step by step to apply for yours. Join us and don’t miss the details!

What is the legal entity digital certificate?

In the current context of digital transformation, it is vital to have a digital certificate. This certificate has a dual purpose: to improve productivity in companies and to simplify people’s daily lives.

Having said that, the legal entity digital certificate is a legal document that confirms the existence of a company. Of course, we are referring to its existence as a legal entity recognized by law. 

The legal entity certificate is issued by competent authorities and contains key information. For example, the name of the entity, the tax identification number and the date of incorporation of the organization.

Thus, all your data is authenticated by the Treasury, the Social Security or other collaborators. It also allows you to sign documents quickly and easily, without the need to travel anywhere.

Legal entity digital certificate

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Why do you need a legal entity digital certificate?

The legal entity digital certificate provides an authenticity service before the different Spanish organizations. However, you will use it the most with the Tax Agency website.

In this sense, the company certificate is essential for the successful operation and development of an entity or company. These are the reasons:

Credibility and trust

The legal entity certificate provides credibility and confidence to third parties, such as suppliers, customers and financial institutions. It demonstrates that the entity is legally constituted and authorized to carry out commercial activities.

Compliance with legal requirements

Obtaining the legal entity digital certificate is necessary to comply with the legal requirements established by the competent authorities. Without it, the entity cannot operate legally or carry out commercial transactions.

Access to financial services

Banks and other financial institutions often ask for a business certificate as part of financial procedures. Whether to open a bank account, obtain financing or access additional financial services.

Participation in public contracting

To participate in bids and contracts with government entities, you will be asked for your digital certificate as a legal entity as an indispensable requirement. Without it, the entity cannot opt for these business opportunities.

Legal protection

The legal entity certificate protects the entity by providing legal proof of its existence and legal status. This facilitates the resolution of legal disputes and protects the entity’s rights and liabilities.

What are the different types of legal entity certificates?

There are three types of certificates issued to legal entities or representatives:

Certificate of representation for sole and/or joint administrator

This certificate can be obtained by corporations and limited liability companies when the representative of the company is duly registered as sole or joint administrator in the Commercial Registry.

Certificate of representation for legal entity

This certificate is issued for individuals acting as representatives of legal entities. This excludes sole or joint administrators; for example:

  • In the case of corporations and limited liability companies, it is possible to obtain this type of certificate. Generally, when the representative performs roles such as joint managing director, joint and several managing director, attorney-in-fact, sole shareholder, president, director, liquidator, among others. In addition, it is necessary to have specific powers of representation that support the obtaining of the certificate.
  • General partnerships.
  • Limited partnerships.
  • Cooperative societies.
  • Associations, among others.

Certificate of representation for an unincorporated entity

This type of legal entity digital certificate is issued for individuals acting as representatives of entities without legal personality. Some examples of these cases are:

  • Inheritance estates, shared ownership of farms and community property are examples of situations in which ownership or responsibility is shared.
  • Communities of owners.
  • Neighborhood boards.
  • Bodies of the central and autonomous administration, except for the Governments of the Autonomous Communities.
  • Temporary joint ventures, among others.

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How to obtain the legal entity certificate in Spain?

Obtaining the legal entity digital certificate in Spain is a key process for companies that need to prove their legal representation. Thus, to obtain the certificate you must follow the following steps:

1. Entity registration

It is necessary to register the company with the competent entity in the country where you are located. This may involve submitting the required documentation such as bylaws, articles of incorporation, identification of partners, among others. In the case of Spain, you must have the company’s CIF (Tax Identification Code). 

2. Payment of fees and administrative formalities

You may be required to pay a fee for the process of obtaining the legal entity certificate. In addition, you have to complete the administrative formalities required by the competent entity, which may vary depending on the country and jurisdiction. In Spain it ranges from 30 to 100 euros. 

3. Submission of documents

You have to submit the documentation requested by the competent entity. It may include the formal application, copies of the bylaws, identification of the legal representatives and any other specific documents required.

To apply for a digital certificate of legal entity in Spain with our partner entity, it is necessary to have the following documentation:

  • National Identity Card (DNI) or Foreigner’s Identity Number (NIE) of the legal representative of the legal entity making the application.
  • Articles of incorporation, bylaws and any modification of the company, duly registered in the Commercial Registry.
  • Tax Identification Card (NIF) of the company.
  • Certificate of being up to date with all your tax and Social Security obligations.
  • Resolution of the appointment of the legal representative of the company.
  • Powers of attorney in case he/she acts on behalf of the company.

It is essential that you keep in mind that the required documents may vary depending on the certifying entity. We recommend you to verify previously with the issuing entity of the digital certificate of legal entity, which are the necessary documents and make sure that the documentation presented is updated and current.

4. Review and verification

The competent entity will review the documents submitted and perform the necessary verifications to confirm the validity and legality of the entity.

5. Issuance of the certificate

Once the requirements are met and the application is approved, the competent entity will issue the legal entity certificate. This document usually contains information such as the name of the entity, tax identification number, date of incorporation and other relevant data. Part of the service may include the renewal of the legal entity digital certificate. 

Legal entity digital certificate

Get your legal entity certificate with GD Certificates

With GD Certificates we are able to facilitate the administrative processes of your business by providing a hassle-free service. Forget about appointments at the tax office, long waits and a lot of paperwork. Request your legal entity digital certificate with us. 

  • Streamline your relationship with the Treasury: centralize the online identification of your business and streamline your tax procedures. With our digital certificate, you will be able to interact efficiently and securely with the tax authorities.
  • Facilitates administrative processes: no more complications or cumbersome procedures. With GD Certificates, you will obtain your digital certificate quickly and easily, without wasting time in appointments or unnecessary waiting.
  • Exclusive for sole or joint administrators: Our digital certificate is issued only to sole or joint administrators as representatives of the legal entity. Get a reliable and legally valid certificate.

How can you renew the digital certificate of a legal entity?

Renew your legal entity digital certificate 60 days before the expiration date if you are a sole and joint administrator. With this certificate, you only have to indicate the required data and follow the instructions to receive your new code by email.

Then, you will only have to download it and pay the corresponding fees. In this case, you will not have to personalize anything at the Mercantile Registry or the Tax Office.

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Now you can simplify your bureaucratic procedures and save time. Demonstrate the legal representation of your company in Spain in an agile and legal way. Do you want tax and legal advice? Contact us through, you can schedule your free advice so that our professionals can provide you with the information you need to achieve success.

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