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Digital Spain 2025: Basic Guide

With the advent of technology, the business sector has changed the way business and the economy work. For this reason, the government created the Spain Digital Agenda 2025 in order to move towards a digital transformation in the country. Do you know what this initiative is about? Continue reading our article to learn more details!

What is the Digital Spain Agenda 2025?

Two years ago, in July 2020, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, unveiled what Digital Spain 2025 means: a series of measures, reforms and investments, created under 10 strategic axes and aligned with the digital policies highlighted by the European Commission.

In this sense, it is understood that the Agenda’s actions are focused on promoting more sustainable and inclusive growth, taking into account the digital and ecological transition that generates new opportunities in society.

Likewise, there is talk of public-private collaboration and the participation of various economic and social agents in Spain, with the participation of around 25 ministries and public bodies and more than 25 economic, business and social agents.

What are the strategic axes?

In order to implement Digital Spain 2025, a total of 50 measures were established, comprising 10 strategic lines of action. These are as follows:

1. Digital connectivity

The main objective is for 100% of the population to have 100 Mbps coverage, to guarantee equal access for the entire population, as well as to promote the disappearance of the digital divide between rural and urban areas.

In this way, through this axis we intend to achieve certain goals such as:

  • Promote economic, social and territorial structuring in Spain.

  • Promote the development of digital infrastructures

  • Closing existing social inequality gaps related to the lack of access to Internet use.

  • To make Spain a benchmark country in digital interconnection infrastructures in Europe.


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2. 5G technology

Another important aspect taken into account is the promotion of 5G technology. In such a way that by 2025 100% of the radio spectrum will be ready for it, and thus contribute to the increase of economic productivity and social progress in Spain.

In the same vein, we can summarize the main objectives to be achieved as: strengthening Spain’s leadership position in the development of 5G networks, supporting the early deployment of 5G by economic agents, and developing a reliable environment to deploy services.

Therefore, actions are taken such as:

  • 5G Priority Frequency Band Assignments

  • Creating a regulatory proposal for 5G cybersecurity

  • Developing 5G transportation corridors

  • Leadership in European innovation projects in new generations of mobile technology.

3. Digital competencies

On the other hand, it seeks to strengthen the digital skills of workers and citizens as a whole, with the main emphasis on the needs of the labor market and on closing the digital divide in the education sector.

And if you are wondering, how does its objective translate? In a nutshell, the Spain Digital Agenda 2025 focuses on education in digital format, so it establishes that by 2025, 80% of people should acquire basic digital skills and half of them should be women.

4. Cybersecurity

In this digital era it is essential to take into account the security of information on the network. And it is for this reason that the present axis seeks to reinforce the Spanish capacity in cybersecurity, aiming to increase to 20,000 the number of specialists in data, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity by 2025.

Now, the measures that will help to comply with this initiative are:

  • Provide a cybersecurity helpline.

  • Promoting the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the cybersecurity sector.

  • Strengthening the cybersecurity of citizens, SMEs and professionals.

  • To promote Spain as an international node in the field of cybersecurity.

  • Deployment and operation of the Cybersecurity Operations Center (COCS).


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5. Digital transformation of the public sector

The aim is to promote the digitalization of public administrations, highlighting areas such as employment, justice and social policies, through the updating of technological infrastructures.

Therefore, the goal is that by 2025, 50% of public services will be available through a mobile application.

Likewise, we can say that the measures of progress in terms of digital transformation of the public sector are as follows:

  • Creation of an App Factory for the development of personalized citizenship services.

  • Multi-platform accessibility of public services

  • Updating the technological infrastructures of the public sector

  • Design a Centralized System of Electronic Notifications, and a System of Interconnection of Records.

6. Digital transformation of the company and digital entrepreneurship.

In synchrony with the previous axis, this one seeks to accelerate the digitalization of companies, focusing on micro SMEs and startups. Therefore, the main objective is for at least 25% of the volume of SME business to come from ecommerce by 2025.

Therefore, the measures concerning its success were defined as: the creation of a plan to promote the digitalization of SMEs, the modernization of the financial architecture to support entrepreneurship, a Startup Law, as well as a virtual platform called the National Entrepreneurship Office (ONE).

7. Sectoral digitalization projects

At this point, it is proposed to accelerate the digitization of the production model through digital transformation projects in sectors such as agri-food, mobility, health, trade, tourism, among others.

Therefore, we understand that the main objective for 2025 is to reduce CO2 emissions from digitalization by 10%.

The facts that are proposed for this axis to be successfully accomplished are:

  • Creating a digital agri-food sector

  • Smart Tourism Development

  • Digitalization as a lever for trade modernization

  • Boosting digital, innovative and efficient mobility


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8. Spain: Audiovisual Hub

In order to take advantage of the audiovisual sector, it was proposed to improve Spain’s attractiveness as a European audiovisual platform to generate business and jobs. The main objective is to achieve a 30% increase in audiovisual production in Spain by 2025.

In this sense, the attraction of foreign investors is encouraged, as well as reducing costs and improving competitiveness in the audiovisual field.

With respect to the measures implemented, it is worth mentioning the following:

  • The Draft General Law on Audiovisual Community Services

  • Spain Audiovisual Hub Plan

9. Data economy and artificial intelligence

In short, as the name suggests, the aim is to move towards a data economy, guaranteeing security and privacy, while taking advantage of the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence.

Therefore, the key is to have at least 25% of companies using artificial intelligence and big data by 2025.

And if you are wondering what are the measures taken? Here are the most important ones:

  • Creation of a National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence.

  • Establish an AI Advisory Board with internationally recognized experts.

  • European shared data spaces

  • Creation of the Data Office and a Chief Data Officer.

10. Digital rights

Last but not least, the Spain Digital Agenda 2025 seeks to guarantee rights in a new digital environment, taking into account labor rights, as well as those of consumers, citizens and companies in general.

And, as a measure of action to be taken, there is talk of drawing up a charter of digital rights applicable to the Spanish territory.


Once we understand the importance of digital transformation, we can realize that the Spain Digital Agenda 2025 is an initiative of high value for the business sector in the country. Are you interested in keeping up to date on news like this? Check out our blog and get updated with TAS Consultancy!


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