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Corporate training strategy: how to define it?

Much of the success of a business depends on good leadership and committed employees, do you feel that this is happening in your organization? If you think you still need to improve then it is time to define your own corporate training strategy, do you know how to do it? In this article we explain it to you!

What is a training strategy?

As its name suggests, a training strategy represents that plan that is drawn up to carry out the training of a company’s employees.

In general, the people in charge of this type of projects are the members of human talent, however, there are also specialized companies that you can contact to help you in the process.

In this sense, defining your strategy will serve as a guide to establish an educational work path, establishing each step to be taken to generate the desired changes within your organization.

Likewise, by imparting new knowledge and a defined action plan, you will be able to solve possible problems in the short and medium term, thus evaluating the performance of your employees and strengthening your organizational culture.

How to create my training strategy?

If you want to start a plan that allows you to take advantage of the skills of your work team, here are the steps to follow to start an optimal training process:


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1. Diagnose training needs

First of all, it is important that you carry out an exploratory phase and find out which skills are less common in your workplace and which skills can be improved by the staff.

It is advisable to study each individual separately and evaluate which teaching techniques would be best suited to each case. To do this, you can use procedures such as:

  • Surveys and interviews

  • Daily observation

  • Description of the ideal profile

  • Current performance evaluation

2. Establish priorities

Once you have evaluated the performance within your company, it is possible that you will find several failures or starting points for improvement. If this happens, it is advisable to establish a logical order to implement your training strategy.

What does this mean? You can’t attack all the problems at once, set the action plan depending on how urgent each need is and thus chronologically order each required training.

3. Define your objectives

At this point you should ask yourself what is my purpose in implementing my training strategy? By defining this aspect, you will be able to carry out your course of action in the most accurate way. Some of the most frequent objectives are:

  • Promote an improvement in the technical and behavioral skills of an area.

  • To train people to perform a specific function.

  • Integrate the team so that they are familiar with all the organization’s processes.

4. Design the training program

The moment of truth has arrived: develop your training program. To do this, you will need to answer the following questions:

  • What content will you implement during the activities to be carried out?

  • What will be the most appropriate training techniques and teaching methods?

  • What is the best schedule for the whole team?

  • Who will be involved in receiving the training techniques?

  • How many instructors do you need to fulfill the program?

  • Do you have sufficient material resources and infrastructure?


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5. Establish the resources to be used

The issue of resources involves carefully determining every detail needed to successfully fulfill the training strategy. In this sense, you can rely on some options such as:

  • Courses: develops the acquisition of knowledge through a teaching plan and adjusts the hours needed depending on the topic to be covered.

  • Conferences: bring your team together with a subject matter expert to discuss a business issue

  • Workshops: although they can be brief, they are very useful to teach basic aspects of a subject that has often been forgotten by the staff.

  • Seminars: implies an in-depth study of a latent need in order to teach the public and thus lead them to the practice of this new knowledge.

This way, you can organize yourself properly to impart knowledge and keep your team in the loop.

6. Execute your strategy

Now comes the action phase! You will have to implement your training plan and evaluate the performance of each member who participates in it.

If you wish, you can use audiovisual material, games, and dramatizations to help your employees to learn.

At this point it is important to be proactive, since you have a schedule to follow. In the event that one of the experts is unable to attend, you must have an alternate who can carry out the activity.

Also, if you consider it necessary, you can create a dynamic of integration among the participants so that the teaching methodology is carried out in a natural way.

7. Evaluates the results

The strategy implemented is useless if you don’t make sure to evaluate your team’s performance.

In this sense, it will always be useful to leverage quantitative methods that you can study with greater certainty. In addition, it is advisable to be a little flexible and keep yourself open to listening. This is the only way to really know the impact generated by the actions involved and how effective they can be in the future.

Last but not least, you can conduct a participant perception questionnaire, as well as a suggestion box to get feedback from your audience.


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8. Certify your team

To successfully complete your training strategy, do not forget to follow up with each department and member of your company and, of course, give certificates to the participants who have completed the training process.

In this way, you will be able to formalize your action plan and have a control of results and reports that can clarify the methodologies applied, as well as the time of execution and the knowledge captured.


As you may have noticed, companies deserve a good performance from their employees and for this reason, it is never a bad idea to develop a training strategy. So, if you want to learn more about other topics that will help you to boost your business in Spain, be sure to visit our blog and check out our latest articles.


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