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5 ways your digital certificate protects your personal data

Digital certificate

In Spain, the digital certificate is known as an electronic document that verifies your identity unequivocally. But not only that, it also protects your personal data in cyberspace. Read on and find out what are the 5 ways in which the digital certificate protects your personal data. Join us!

What is the digital certificate and how does it protect your data?

The digital certificate is a document issued by the FNMT or by any entity certified by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. It contains information that allows you to verify your identity unequivocally. 

This thanks to data such as your name, surname, ID or NIF, and your digital signature. This last one is the one that guarantees the integrity and authenticity of any electronic document signed with it. 

It is also used in various electronic applications and services. For example, electronic signature of documents, filing declarations and procedures with the Public Administrations, performing online financial transactions, accessing electronic banking services, etc. 

You will also need your digital certificate to access the Social Security processing platform. There, you will be able to manage access to your work life reports, apply for your benefits and more.

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Why is it necessary to protect your personal data on the Internet?

Maybe you had not thought about it before, but it is extremely important to have a good protection of your data. This is due to the fact that there are several places where they are exposed and within reach of fraudsters and hackers. 

If you want more reasons, here are 4 reasons why you should take good care of your data:

Digital certificate

5 ways your digital certificate protects your data

The digital certificate, as we told you, is an essential tool in the protection of your personal data. After all, how can your data be protected against unauthorized access? 

For that reason, here are the 5 ways in which your digital certificate protects your personal information:

Digital certificate

You decide who acts on behalf of your company at any given time

You can quickly and easily ensure that only authorized and verified personnel act on behalf of the organization.

Data protection does not only imply having an IT system ready to prevent data theft. It also means that everyone in the organization complies with the regulations.

In this way, you can limit who acts on behalf of your company at all times and ensure that no impermissible actions are carried out. It is also possible for you to give a controlled and specific authorization to a user at a specific time.

Thus, there will be no need for you to maintain that level of accreditation for longer than necessary.

2. Controls how digital certificates are used

When it comes to protecting your data, it is essential that you control how digital certificates are used. That way, you can detect whether or not they were used inappropriately at a given time or by whom.

As everything is centralized in the same cloud platform, you can visualize at a glance all the uses that have been given to the certificates. Thus, any inappropriate use that worries you, you will be able to locate them in a moment.

3. Prevent your certificates from falling into the wrong hands

Having a platform where you have all the digital certificates stored, and where users can access them to make use of them, ensures that they do not fall into the wrong hands.

In that sense, an unauthorized person will not be able to access your company’s internal data or act on behalf of your company.

4. Identifies the user before accessing data and files

Digital certificates provide you with an extra layer of security that allows you to protect your data and files. Using a certificate to authorize access to files and platforms containing personal data is a way to ensure that not just anyone can access them.

This is especially beneficial for companies that handle sensitive data. This is because it ensures that only authorized persons can access confidential records.

Of course, for this you must have a good organization of digital certifications and access authorizations.

5. Easy access to certificates from anywhere and from any device

To comply with data protection regulations, you not only need to create a way of working that complies with the standards. It is also important that it is simple and agile for all components of your organization.

If not, there will easily be those who end up storing your business data inappropriately. 

Imagine being able to control your digital certificate and that of your employees, and give each one the appropriate permissions, that is the objective of a document management platform.

This type of digital solution aims to simplify the use of certificates, so that you do not need to go through an adaptation process. Instead, it should be something that allows you to automate different tasks in seconds.

Also, having the certificates in the cloud makes it unnecessary for your employees to check if they can use them. They can directly access the cloud to obtain them without any problem.

The goal is to be able to access documents from any device and operating system. This reduces the possibility of using unsecure forms of information storage that could lead to a data protection problem.

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How can the digital certificate help you in your daily life in terms of protection of your personal data?

Your digital certificate is able to protect your business data on a daily basis thanks to its four essential features. These are:

  1. Authentication: your digital certificate ensures that only authorized users have access to the data. Authentication lets you know which data is valid and comes from a trusted source.
  2. Confidentiality: Your data is kept safe and secure while being transmitted with the help of encryption and decryption keys. This ensures that only those in possession of the unique key can access it.
  3. Integrity: The digital certificate helps protect data from being hacked or intercepted in transit. This provides a secure environment for data storage and transfer. The digital signature also verifies the integrity of the data and that it has not been altered by any of the parties.
  4. Non-repudiation: digital certificates have legal implications, since they provide proof that all parties agreed to the terms of the transaction.

Which is the right tool to manage your digital certificates?

A document management platform is the right tool to protect your digital certificate, which in turn protects your personal data. That is why, in Gestion Direct, we offer you our digital solution GD Documents where you will be able to elaborate complex documents quickly and without errors.

You will also be able to manage your team’s work. This is thanks to the fact that you will be able to create differentiated access to the members of your team so that they can access the information and functionalities they really need. 

And, in addition, monitor in real time the documents in process, finished, sent or signed.

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Do not expose your personal or business data, the digital certificate gives you the security you need. Still do not have yours? Manage it with GD Certificates, where we offer you a document with full legal validity and you will only need 3 steps to obtain it.

And if you want to be advised in the best way and by the best professionals on the validity and legal and juridical management of your certificate. Write to us at and ask for your free advice.

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