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What changes are the self-employed asking for to improve their labor rights? 

labor rights

Self-employed workers in Spain are raising their voices and demanding significant changes in their labor rights. In this article, we will explore the main demands and how these changes could positively impact your employment situation. If you are self-employed or you are interested in learning more about this topic, we invite you to read on, join us! 

Self-employed call for policy changes to enhance their labor rights  

Self-employed workers continue to express their feeling of being a labor group that tends to be forgotten. As such, they want political parties to take their needs and aspirations into consideration. But how do they intend to improve their labor rights? We tell you. 

Following the July 23 general elections, a comprehensive proposal was developed with a series of measures. These were designed with the primary purpose of transforming their working conditions and granting them the justice they deserve. In this sense, among the lines of this proposal are the calls to promote entrepreneurship and facilitate the launching of new businesses.

The importance of this request becomes clear when examining the data. In Spain, more than 99% of companies make up the business fabric in the form of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). 

This implies that smaller businesses, together with the self-employed, are fundamental in shaping the national economy. Despite this relevance, there are still obstacles and shortcomings that negatively affect the working life of the self-employed. Limiting their ability to contribute fully to the economic development of the country.

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What are the self-employed putting forward to the future government?

Although many of the measures could generate substantial benefits, this group is in the hands of state agencies. In entities such as the Tax Agency and the Social Security.

We cannot overlook the fact that there are also actions at the regional and local level. These have the potential to simplify the lives of these professionals. In a joint effort, both at national and regional level, a positive impact on the labor rights of the self-employed can be achieved.

It is precisely because of these factors that the Association of Self-Employed Workers (ATA) has prepared a thorough and comprehensive document. This report is presented with a meticulous structure, segmented into areas of action to improve the working life of the self-employed.

But what can you find in the report?

labor rights

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Key requests from the self-employed to the incoming government

ATA has covered a diverse range of labor situations, including those linked to self-employed workers and their labor rights. In this area, it has elaborated a proposal rich in suggestions:

  1. Extension of the flat rate of 80 euros per month for an additional period of 12 months. For self-employed workers who, in their second year of activity, continue to generate income below the annual Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI).
  2. Introduce a fee of €100 for individuals whose income from self-employment does not exceed the annual minimum wage.
  3. Specific measures are proposed for young people. In order to apply the €50 rate for self-employed persons under 25 years of age, they must be enrolled in regulated studies, vocational training or higher. In addition, they must have completed the flat rate period.

Measures in relation to benefits and retirement

One of the hot topics in the demands for better labor rights has been the issue of retirement. The self-employed seek to be able to access an active retirement at 100%. That is, to receive 100% of the pension and continue as self-employed, as detailed by the ATA.

The possibility of receiving the IMV (Minimum Vital Income) in conjunction with non-contributory pensions is also requested. This while continuing to be self-employed (as long as the SMI is not exceeded). In addition, it is proposed to equalize deductible contributions with those of salaried employees.

Other measures proposed by the ATA fighting for labor rights and better conditions include:

  • Allow a deduction in personal income tax. Especially of contributions to pension plans in the same proportion that is allowed to salaried employees.
  • Facilitate the 10% rebate on the Social Security contribution. Only when the self-employed person contributes more than 4,250 euros to the simplified employment pension plan.
  • To grant self-employed members the possibility of receiving 100% of their regulatory base in their retirement pension. At 65 years of age.

Promoting work balance

Reconciling work and personal life becomes a challenge for most. That is why the self-employed also seek to raise awareness of their labor rights.

In this regard, some of the most noteworthy measures include:

  • Extension of breastfeeding leave for 15 days for self-employed mothers. With extension of the subsidized relief contract during the last trimester of pregnancy.
  • 100% rebate on household employees’ contributions.
  • Elimination of the age requirement of less than 30 years of age to access the bonus in the relief contract. 
  • Proposals relating to the Administration and the Prosecutor’s Office

The self-employed face a large amount of administrative paperwork at the end of each month. Therefore, they seek to facilitate the expense management process. Within the measures related to the Administration, the ATA document proposes these changes in labor rights: 

  • Creation of an Administrative Simplification Law.
  • Implementation of an accelerated administrative process.
  • Development of a digital platform to simplify the management of procedures for the self-employed and SMEs.
  • Implementation of “Zero Tolerance” policies for late payment. Together with the creation of compensation measures for those affected by this situation.

In fiscal terms, these suggestions stand out:

labor rights

Corporate health promotion

In a context where mental health concerns are relevant for many workers, they have also included related measures. With the aim of improving corporate health. They demand the implementation of a generational succession plan and a “reenterprise” plan for business transfers.

All these measures, set out in the ATA document, have a common objective. To improve the working life of the self-employed and, consequently, their living conditions in general.

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In such a changing landscape, it is crucial to keep abreast of developments in the labor rights of the self-employed. These demands and proposals represent an important step towards fairness and deserved recognition.

Keep up to date with the latest news and make sure you don’t miss any relevant development in this field. Therefore, we invite you to subscribe to our library! Keep your knowledge up to date and support the cause of the self-employed in their quest for better labor rights.

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