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What is new with ENDITA 2022-2027?


On June 21, 2022, the first Strategy for the Promotion of Self-Employment (ENDITA) 2022-2027 was approved by the Council of Ministers. This initiative seeks to boost and renew the self-employed sector, giving it the possibility to avoid the abuse of the figure of the self-employed worker and improve employment policies for them. Are you self-employed and want to know how ENDITA affects you? Stay until the end of this new post!

What does the National Strategy to Promote Self-Employment 2022-2027 consist of?

ENDITA 2022-2027 is considered an ambitious project, integrated and coordinated with other government initiatives. In addition, it is noteworthy due to its commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), embodied in the Sustainable Development Strategy 2030.

Specifically, the ENDITA has plans to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent jobs for all.” It also aligns with the objectives and pillars of the National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. This plan was launched in response to the impact caused by the Coronavirus.

The National Strategy for the Promotion of Self-Employment has been designed to respond to the needs of the self-employed throughout the life cycle of the activity. From the creation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, through the start of the self-employed activity or the development of the activity and the accompanying measures.

To meet the needs, the strategy has placed the main focus on digitalization, specialized training and innovation. It also aims to promote decent work, reinforce social cohesion, promote effective equality and advance reconciliation rights.

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ENDITA: conceived under social dialogue

As you progress through this article, you will learn about the measures included in this new strategy in favor of the self-employed. But first you should know that they have been drawn up on the basis of the Social Dialogue.

This is thanks to the staging of proposals and diagnoses from experts belonging to professional associations in the sector. In addition, the new strategy is expected to be implemented in two phases: between 2022 and 2024 and then between 2025 and 2027. 

All with the aim of boosting the self-employed as the country’s economic engine. After all, it should not be forgotten that the self-employed represent 15% of the country’s GDP, a figure that encompasses more than 3.2 million people.

Of these 3.2 million people, 20% have workers in their charge, so they are also providers of employment. Knowing this and the weight that the self-employed have in the economy, it is incredible that this is the first strategy in their favor to be proposed.

What are ENDITA’s priorities?

The National Strategy for the Promotion of Self-Employment has 3 main priorities that guide and justify the actions of the strategies, see what they are!


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ENDITA’s 6 main lines of action

Considering the priorities set by ENDITA 2022-2027, we can mention six composite axes. These are shown below:


Axis 1: Towards inclusion and social cohesion through self-employment.

The National Strategy for the Promotion of Self-Employment aims to promote quality self-employment, inclusive and with rights. The goal of this axis is to improve the prevention of occupational risks and the social protection of self-employment.

In addition, it includes a Social Security contribution system and the improvement of social protection for people working as self-employed. We will also see many improvements in the support of groups with difficulties in accessing the labor market and in the legal definition of the self-employed.

Axis 2: To fix the population to the territory through self-employment.

This axis stands out for promoting local development through social, economic, egalitarian and sustainable development. Its priority is to attack the problem of depopulation of certain territories of the country and to guarantee equal rights and opportunities throughout the territory.

Therefore, it emphasizes the great importance of these depopulated areas to have sufficient and quality job offers. In order to attract a large number of people willing to make a new start.

Self-employment became a priority for this strategy, as it can be the ideal opportunity for the creation of new jobs and the social and economic revitalization of regions in need.

Axis 3: Promote the digitalization and modernization of self-employment.

In this area, the main focus is on the digitalization of the self-employed business network, the promotion of greater internalization and support for the growth of companies in general. Especially if they are technology-based.

This goal requires the participation of the different ministries involved in the project. This is because it will provide excellent help in the fight against tax fraud throughout the digitalization of the RETA.

Axis 4: For sustainable self-employment.

For this axis, the objective is to contribute to what is known as the ecological transition of the productive fabric. In this way, the circular economy and the efficient management of resources can be promoted.

Using renewable energies, renewing the infrastructures of the productive fabric and reducing the use of fossil fuels. 

Axis 5: Promote specialized training for self-employment.

In order to modernize the productive fabric, it is necessary to modernize the knowledge, skills and competencies that the workers who will be in the different fields of work will possess.

That is why the priority in this area is to implement a long-term training plan. One that allows entrepreneurs to face any challenge they encounter along the way.

Axis 6: Ensuring gender equality for the self-employed

Another important task of ENDITA is the promotion of gender equality in self-employment. Its purpose is the promotion and strengthening of the care economy and the enhancement of work-family reconciliation measures for self-employed women.

It also fights for equal access to sources of financing and entrepreneurship. But not only that, it also fights against discrimination in the labor area.

Therefore, affirmative action measures will be encouraged and the participation of women entrepreneurs or women with salaried jobs will be facilitated.

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To learn more about what ENDITA is about and what is its scope and goals. I encourage you to contact us through our email We have the best professionals who are ready to advise you and provide you with all the information you need. Do not miss the opportunity and request your free advice to learn what you need about this new strategy, do not wait any longer and contact us!

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