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Corporate data protection: what is its importance?

With the advent of the digital era, information management and information security has become a challenge within organizations today. Do you recognize the importance of ensuring the protection of corporate data? In this article we tell you everything you need to know!

What is enterprise data protection?

When referring to enterprise data protection, we refer to the process of safeguarding relevant information shared across different departments of a company, thus preventing corruption attacks or loss of relevant reports that may affect the internal well-being of the company.

In general terms, the defining characteristics of enterprise data are as follows:


For this purpose, there must be controlled and authorized access that allows for maximum protection of business information


Implies a single coherent version of the information shared within the organization.


You must ensure that you comply with the best standards that guarantee the protection of internal and external data components.


As the name implies, data must be scalable to accommodate the various types of requirements within a company.

Error reduction

When sharing all business data, care should be taken to minimize disparity as well as data redundancy.


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Basic principles of data protection

Here are 5 basic principles that identify corporate data protection:

  1. Knowledge of the type of information to be processed, i.e., whether it refers to commercial, business or personal data, among others.

  2. Valuation of the information and classification as confidential or public, as appropriate, in order to protect it adequately.

  3. Designation of corporate protection responsibilities

  4. Identification of possible threats that may affect the organization, either through the information directly or on the processing systems.

  5. Anticipate potential risks and generate an action plan within the company.

Why is corporate data protection important?

In today’s business world, data privacy is one of the main concerns within companies, as it involves both personal and financial information of customers, suppliers and employees.

In this regard, it is important to take into account that the protection of corporate data is a fundamental right in the European Union, so any organization located in Spain must comply with the Organic Law on Data Protection.

Any entity or company that forgets to protect its data will be exposed to operational risks that will prevent it from carrying out its activities; to economic risks, affecting customers or its own employees; and also to reputational risks, compromising the future of the organization.

On the other hand, taking technical measures to ensure the security of business information helps to have the data available at any time it is needed and to have backup copies in the cloud to back up the information in case of any inconvenience.


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How to protect corporate data?

A company’s data is growing day by day and its security depends on how it is managed and what measures can be implemented in the event of cyber attacks or external situations that could jeopardize business information.

In this way, we want you to know 5 different ways that will help you to protect business data:

1. Educate your employees

Your work team must recognize how indispensable business information is, therefore, taking into account that the activities they perform on their computers could negatively affect the organization is a step that you must make clear.

But what does this mean? Actions such as downloading unlicensed software, opening risky files or even unwanted e-mails are often practices that compromise corporate data.

2. Use of passwords

This point applies to both employees and managers, since the use of passwords reduces the probability of information hacking or loss of data relevant to the company. Experts recommend combining upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols, as well as changing them from time to time.

3. Backing up

As its name suggests, backup copies allow you to copy information and back it up in case of loss. In this way, you can opt for copies on PCs and external disks, in the cloud, or through a company server, and thus prevent possible accidents or attacks that compromise the data that make life within the organization.

4. Make use of antivirus

The protection of corporate data is further supported by the use of the famous antivirus software. Why? It will help you detect and block possible threats that may affect the company’s information.

In this case, it is advisable to hire paid solutions, since free alternatives often do not protect 100% of the amount of information found in the various departments.

5. To have a document management system

This alternative involves the installation of software to control and coordinate the activities that affect the preservation of documents within a company and to ensure the proper functioning and organization of corporate archives.


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The future of your business will always depend on good management and corporate data protection is definitely a point to take into account to ensure the welfare of each department. Would you like to keep up to date on the latest news in Spain? Enter our blog and enjoy our content!


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