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Category: Spanish Taxation

When should you file your 2022 Wealth Tax return?

When should you file your 2022 Wealth Tax return?

Wealth Tax

The deadline for voluntary payment of Wealth Tax, Form 714, is approaching. Therefore, this is the ideal time to check whether you are obliged to comply with this procedure. As with the IRPF, not everyone must do it. Do you want to know what requirements you must meet to have the duty to pay it? Find out here about that and much more, join us!

What are the penalties for late filing?

What are the penalties for late filing?

Late filing

The importance of complying with tax deadlines should not be overlooked. In case you forget to file a tax return or are late in filing it, the Tax Agency could penalize you, depending on whether you pay voluntarily and how late you file. This fine will depend on whether you pay voluntarily and how long you file late. Do you want to know what could happen if you’re late filing? Here is what you need to know.

New 2022 income tax return for self-employed, what should you take into account?

New 2022 income tax return for self-employed, what should you take into account?

The date for filing the income tax return is approaching, you still don’t know what’s new? Then this article is for you. Here, we will provide you with the necessary information about what is new in the 2022 income tax return. You see, changes in interest rates and benefits for those with low incomes are coming. Also, specific measures will be applied for the Autonomous Communities and more. Stay until the end and don’t miss the details! 

Learn about the main changes in the 2023 tax calendar Spain

Learn about the main changes in the 2023 tax calendar Spain

2023 Spain Tax Calendar

The tax calendar 2023 Spain acts as a map of how the collaboration between entrepreneurs and advisors should be. This being so, it is in charge of showing what advisors will do throughout the year and what is the responsibility that SMEs and freelancers will assume. Are you interested in knowing what is the 2023 tax calendar and what are the changes it underwent? Stay until the end of this article and find out.

What is new in the new Anti-Fraud Law for the self-employed and entrepreneurs?

What is new in the new Anti-Fraud Law for the self-employed and entrepreneurs?

New Anti-Fraud Law

The new Anti-Fraud Law in Spain was approved in October 2020 and came into force on October 11, 2021. Its main objective is to fight against fraud and tax evasion in the country. To this end, a series of measures have been established to improve the efficiency of the Tax Administration in the detection and sanctioning of fraudulent conduct. Are you a self-employed or entrepreneur and want to know how this new law can affect you? Stay until the end!

Can you pay less in rent with the help of ChatGPT?

Can you pay less in rent with the help of ChatGPT?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a very useful tool to help pay the rent. This is because AI can analyze large amounts of data and make recommendations based on patterns and trends that may not be evident to a human being. In that sense, ChatGTP is perhaps the main ally when it comes to filing income tax returns. To find out how ChatGPT can help you pay less on your income tax, stay with us until the end, join us!

How to file your income tax return online without leaving home?

How to file your income tax return online without leaving home?

Income tax return

The Spanish Tax Agency offers taxpayers the opportunity to file their income tax return via internet. According to their income, anyone can file a draft tax return online, a method that is used by 90% of taxpayers. Didn’t you know you could do this? Stay to the end and learn how to file your income tax return online without leaving home!

How does the IRPF reduction for drought affect farmers and ranchers?

How does the IRPF reduction for drought affect farmers and ranchers?

IRPF reduction

On April 25, 2024, the government of Spain activated the first aids for the agricultural and livestock sector. The Ministry of Finance and Public Function published the order in the BOE: it will be a 25% IRPF rebate for the livestock and agricultural sector as a result of the drought. Do you work in this sector? Learn here a little more about the IRPF reduction rebate and how it affects you!

What happens if there are errors in the income tax return at the Internal Revenue Service?

What happens if there are errors in the income tax return at the Internal Revenue Service?

Errors in the income tax return

It is quite common to make errors in the income tax return because it is a complicated process that requires rigorous handling. However, for Hacienda, making these mistakes can imply a penalty for you. If you want to know how tax return errors affect you and what possible penalties you can get for making a mistake, stay with us until the end of this article and don’t miss any details!

How the changes in the new contribution system for self-employed workers affect social protection

How the changes in the new contribution system for self-employed workers affect social protection

New contribution system for self-employed workers

The contribution system for the self-employed in Spain has undergone significant changes in recent years. This being the case, the Spanish Government has implemented a series of modifications to improve the conditions of self-employed workers and adapt to the evolution of the labor market. However, even the self-employed are still evaluating whether this new contribution system for self-employed workers is really beneficial for them. Find out more here!