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What is flexible compensation and what benefits does it offer your company?

La eficacia y rentabilidad de un negocio se logra teniendo y reteniendo el mejor talento, que ya no depende únicamente de un buen salario. Diferenciarte de otras empresas por lo que ofreces a tus empleados puede inclinar la balanza a tu favor. Por eso, la retribución flexible puede ser el recurso que estabas buscando para añadir un atractivo extra a tu empresa. Entérate aquí de qué se trata, ¡vamos!

¿Qué es la retribución flexible?

La retribución flexible, también denominada retribución en especie, es una opción salarial que permite a los empleados decidir cuánto de su salario quieren recibir en efectivo y cuánto en especie o en productos.

En otras palabras, se trata de la oferta de un producto o servicio a los empleados de una empresa. Normalmente, por un precio inferior al reflejado en el mercado y que además forma parte del salario dinerario del empleado.

Este tipo de retribución es aceptada por el trabajador de forma totalmente voluntaria y le permite adquirir productos o contratar servicios adaptados a sus necesidades y que, al ser satisfechos a través de la empresa, tienen un tratamiento fiscal más ventajoso que si fueron contratados individualmente.


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¿Cómo funciona el pago en especie?

Básicamente, la compañía se concentra en desarrollar un plan de compensación flexible en el que agrega todos aquellos servicios que pueden ser atractivos y útiles para sus empleados.

In general, these are usually meal tickets, childcare, transportation, health insurance, education, etc. Once this plan has been drawn up, employees can decide which services and how much of their salary they want to allocate to each of them.

All employees who choose to take advantage of these plans can allocate up to a maximum of 30% of their entire annual salary to the payment of these tax-exempt products and services.

In this way, employees increase their net disposable income, while the company improves its value proposition to them.

How to calculate flexible compensation?

If you are wondering how to calculate flexible remuneration, we can start by telling you that it is based on the gross annual salary, calculating a limit of 30%.

Thus, we can consider that a gross salary of €30,000 can receive a flexible compensation of €7,500. This value must be distributed – totally or in part – among the cost of the services offered by the flexible compensation plan.

Flexible remuneration legislation in Spain

Flexible remuneration is regulated by Spanish legislation. More specifically, there are two laws that contemplate it:

  • Law 35/2006, of November 28, 2006, on Personal Income Tax and partial amendment of the Corporate Income Tax, Non-Resident Income Tax and Wealth Tax Laws.

  • And Royal Decree 439/2007, of March 30, 2007, approving the Personal Income Tax Regulations and thus amending the Pension Plans and Funds Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 304/2004, of February 20, 2004.

As seen, the flexible remuneration system has a quite favorable tax treatment for both employees and companies. Thus, for this type of remuneration to work properly, the company must apply the corresponding income tax withholding in order to compute the figures as part of the employee’s salary.


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Benefits of flexible compensation

The success of your company will largely depend on how comfortable your employees are working for you. It is proven that, with an incentive that goes beyond the interest of money, it is possible to make your employees happier and more committed to the company.

In this regard, we will tell you about the advantages of flexible taxation perceived by employees and the company.

Benefits perceived by employees

  • They have total freedom to choose how they get paid. It is the employee who sets up his or her own paycheck month by month, choosing how much money he or she wants to allocate to flexible compensation and which benefits best fit his or her needs.

  • Ability to save. Obviously, for most, this is the main advantage. Either because of the tax exemption on some products or because of the company’s bargaining power to obtain better prices.

  • Improved quality of life. The essence of flexible remuneration is the improvement of employees’ work-life balance. Thanks to paid services such as restaurant, transportation and childcare, the employee’s day-to-day life is much better and easier.

Advantages for companies

  • Attracting and retaining talent. Flexible compensation can be the differentiating element that makes a candidate choose your job offer over that of another company. Don’t forget that more and more professionals value other forms of compensation in addition to monetary compensation.

  • Increased employee engagement and loyalty. This type of action positively impacts the relationship between the employee and the company, creating a stronger bond. In simpler words, the employee feels that the company considers him and his individual needs, which influences his productivity, the work environment and his commitment.

  • You don’t pay more, you pay better. Flexible compensation serves to increase the employee’s net salary without changing it and without increasing salary costs. Technically, you improve the purchasing power of professionals without increasing the wage bill.

  • Increased productivity. All factors act as motivators. Studies reveal that happy employees can be up to 88% more productive. That is, if the company cares about their needs, the employee will reciprocate at the same level with participation and commitment.

  • Reduced absenteeism. Medical insurance avoids long waits at the doctor, as well as the new wellness and wellness benefits, which have a positive impact on employees’ health. As a result, sick leave due to illness or surgery is decreasing.


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La retribución flexible es, en cualquier caso, una solución cómoda, flexible y rentable tanto para empresas como para empleados, que pueden modificar las cuantías en función de sus necesidades.

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